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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I am currently training people in personal development skills, which has English at its core part. I feel its so easy to speak to English, we Indians are just too fearful about it.

I felt these 8 points might help to commmunicate in better English...

Basics of Communication in English

How to speak English more effectively

  1. Decrease your speed to the speed of your thought.
  2. Remember that most mistakes are made in the easiest of things.
  3. Don’t stop at a mistake. Continue with the speaking.
  4. Be Confident while listening to the other person.
  5. Speak small sentences instead of large ones.
  6. Take pauses.
  7. Use varying pitch.
  8. Moderate your volume.

It worked with the people I taught, specially the first point.

1 comment:

  1. Why is this open-source? You could mint money out of this technique.
